Family Mediation

Concord Mediation Center offers mediation to couples and families in conflict over one or more issues related to children.

Family mediation proves helpful in the following circumstances:

  • Open adoptions where adoptive parents, birth parents, caseworkers, and the child if old enough, will develop a detailed plan for continued contact with the birth parents, other relatives and significant persons following the adoption;
  • Couples who never married but who are parents to young children;
  • Gay and lesbian couples who share parenting responsibilities for children; and
  • Parents and teenage or adult children as the children live in or return to the parental home.

Parenting Plan Mediation

Concord Mediation Center receives referrals for family mediation of Parenting Plans from the Douglas County Conciliation Court and Sarpy County District Court.  Concord Mediation Center also accepts private referrals.  The court requires all divorcing parents to produce mutually agreeable Parenting Plans.

Parenting Plans establish a child’s or children’s residence, visitation schedules, and decision-making responsibilities.  The court refers cases to Concord Mediation Center when the parents and their attorneys cannot reach an agreement within a reasonable time.

Divorce Mediation

Concord Mediation Center mediates between divorcing couples at odds over property and assets acquired during their marriage.  Concord Mediation Center’s mediators include attorneys who can assist couples in resolving conflict related to dividing property.

Special Education Disputes

Concord Mediation Center mediates Special Education cases between the parents of children with special needs and school staff or administrators.  During mediation, the parties may discuss identification, evaluation, educational placement or provision of the free appropriate education of children with disabilities.