Restorative Justice practices focus on accountability, empathy, and working to repair harms and relationships.
This evidence-based practice has grown in Nebraska through the Office of Dispute Resolution and a grant from the Sherwood Foundation.
Restorative Justice practices can keep youth in school, instead of removing them for suspension or expulsion.
Practices include:
Circles – Students sit in a circle, using a “talking piece” to take turns speaking in a safe and respectful setting. When participants sit in a circle, they experience a greater sense of community.
Peer Mediation – Students hear cases of minor delinquent acts or school offenses, and are empowered to take leadership roles and learn problem solving skills.
Mediation and Conferencing – Mediation in school can help resolve disputes between students or between students and staff. Conferencing opens the process to include others to participate, including supports for the youth.